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新刊紹介 |
Yasunari Takada
Transcendental Descent: Essays in Litterature and Philosophy
1984年から06年までに、筆者が英語で発表した論をひとまず集成した「ミッドライフワーク」とも言うべき本書は、全体をより綿密にデザインし直し、索引とビブリオ情報を充実させ、真のライフワークとして──ミレニアム期の日本人としてヨーロッパ思潮研究に対した「本気」の記録として──未来の学徒に向け、再発信されるべき内容が充満している。 (編集部)
I. Prelude
1. Against the Grain of Tragedy: A Provocation
2. The Brooch of Thebes and the Girdle of Venus: Courtly Love in an Oppositional Perspective
3. A Shakespearean Distance: Europe, Modernity and Traditional Values
4. A Pocockian Moment
5. Supreme Emptiness and Temporal Fulfillment: Two Versions of Political Failure?
II. Classical-Medieval
6. Vulcan Cuckolded by Mars: Archetypal Adultery and Its Subsequent Undercurrents
7. "Hevene" in Criseyde: Dante's "Festa" and Chaucer's "Feste"
8. Chaucer's Use of Neoplatonic Traditions
9. From the House of Fame to Politico-Cultural Histories
10. "Common Profit" and Libidinal Dissemination in Chaucer
III. Renaissance-Modern
11. Leonardo Bruni's Cicero Novus
12. Shakespeare's Cicero
13. How to Do Things with "Fall-Out" System in "Troilus and Cressida"
14. Caesarean Operation: Romanitas, Politics and History
15. An Augustan Representation of Cicero
16. The Illusions of the Modern and the Pleasures of the Pre-Modern
17. Shuzo Kuki: or, A sense of Being In-between