H号館 H302

・Under Censorship: Exploring Coping Strategies in China’s Yaoi Community through Analysis of the Social Networking Service ‘LOFTER’/梁景怡(龍谷大学)
・The Overlooked Case of ‘Female Hikikomori’: Representation in Manga/Madeeha Nawaz(龍谷大学)

 2人目の発表者、Madeeha Nawazは、パンデミックによる移動制限によって、世界中多くの人、特に学生が不本意ながら一時的な「引きこもり」状態に陥ったことをきっかけに、研究テーマとして日本の引きこもり現象とその表象に注目する。男女比がほぼ変わらない社会現象であるにもかかわらず、メディアにおける引きこもりの表象は主に男性の引きこもりに焦点を当てていることに疑問を投げかけ、女性ひきこもりのエッセイマンガを分析する(発表言語:英語)。

Under Censorship: Exploring Coping Strategies in China’s Yaoi Community through Analysis of the Social Networking Service ‘LOFTER’/梁景怡(龍谷大学)

Yaoi is a type of fan work, mostly by female creators for a female audiences, that involves homoerotic content and sexually explicit material. This is why Yaoi has been suppressed under Chinese obscenity laws and regulations. For example, the Chinese government’s ‘Auditing the Content of Network Audiovisual Programs’ (网络视听节目内容审核通则) states that homosexuality is an irregular sexual relation.
Despite these regulatory constraints, the Chinese Yaoi fan community has managed to express itself through the Internet. Communication inside the community under censorship includes the use of coded language, uses of multiple platforms and ‘common sense’ shared within the community. Therefore, research to define these coded strategies and their implications is needed.
This research aims to analyze pre-existing online data, mainly screenshots from the target platforms. For the analysis, variables such as the duration of the data collection, specific popular works on the micro-blogging platform LOFTER (2011~, similar to Tumblr), and relevant keywords/tags for categorisation are considered. This presentation will focus on the role played by LOFTER within the Chinese Yaoi community for self-expression under censorship.

The Overlooked Case of ‘Female Hikikomori’: Representation in Manga/Madeeha Nawaz(龍谷大学)

Many Western and Asian population(s) have started to consume Japanese anime and manga resulting in them regarding Japan as ‘cool’ and ‘laid back’. It has also resulted in Japan possessing soft power globally through visual mediums leading to several debates and discussions from various perspectives. One such debate remains the lesser known gendered portrayal of hikikomori (Dziesinski, 2004, “Investigations into the phenomenon of acute social withdrawal in contemporary Japan”). This presentation attempts to bring light to the marginalized portrayal of female hikikomori and compares the reality of the phenomenon as a societal issue with the portrayal in anime and manga. Through a thorough analysis of selected manga, this presentation establishes a theoretical basis through a discussion on hikikomori via the lens of gender studies. It will also discuss the depiction of female hikikomori in the media. It will then present an in depth analysis of male and female hikikomori among selected essay manga through concrete examples. This study attempts to develop a nuanced classification framework for hikikomori, thereby facilitating more comprehensive and contextualized research endeavors. Lastly, the paper brings up questions about the implications of contemporary gendered perspectives in media, and will hopefully provide a springboard for future discussion.


 分析には金水敏が提唱した役割語の概念を使い、主要な男性登場人物の使用言語と女性登場人物の使用言語の比較を行い、オトメンと呼ばれる男性表象の解明を言語の観点から試みる。役割語とは、大阪大学栄誉教授の金水敏の著作『ヴァーチャル日本語 役割語の謎』(2003)において提唱されたものである。本研究では金水の立場を採用し、「オトメン」を性格属性ではなく、一種の文化的・社会的グループとして捉える立場をとる。作中で「オトメン」とされる登場人物のマンガ作品内での発話内容を分析し、男性語・女性語・中性語に分類する。言語の面から「オトメン」という男性表象を考える。